Containers Orchestration

Managing Enterprise-grade Kubernetes clusters require specialized skills to ensure full-stack automation in hybrid cloud environments.

Move Applications to Optimized Container Images

Reduce frictions and uncertainties by moving business applications to optimized container images that can be stored in your private container registry.

Container Image Builds

We use proven tools to facilitates building OCI container images that can run on any container engine.

Container Registries

Store your container images in a centralized repository privately, with access that you control.

Managing Container Applications

Engineers at Geant Technology work with leading container and Cloud Platforms such as Kubernetes, Rancher, and OpenShift to provide automated container deployment solutions that are scalable, and easily manageable.

1. Container Images Management

A container-centric infrastructure requires tools to build optimized images and distribute them securely across clusters.

2. Highly Available Kubernetes Cluster

Kubernetes infrastructure deployed by Geant Technology’ experts guaranties innovation and facilitate horizontal scaling and high availability.

3. Deployment Strategy

We follow best practises in microservices application deployment and use configuration manifest files along with GitOps processes to ensure agility, reliability and scalability.

Technology Partners

Investing in stable and cutting edge technologies enable us to provide solutions that are secure, innovative, and user friendly.

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